Hours of Operation
Office Hours
Home Community Care (HCC)
Providers are available on UTA weekends for free child care supporting Air Force Reserve (AFR) and Air National Guard (ANG) units. The following information is provided to assist you in securing a reservation for your child/children for each UTA.
Reservations must be made in advance by contacting Ms. Debra McCoy, 951.655.3507.
How to request:
The AF FCC ECC form must be completed by the member, approved by the member’s supervisor and turned in no later than the Tuesday before the UTA. Contact Ms. Debra McCoy at 951.655.3507 or debra.mccoy@us.af.mil prior to the UTA between the hours of 0800-1600 Monday – Friday to turn in your completed form.
Reservation requests are placed in the order of which they are received. Requests for specific provider placements will be considered but due to extenuating circumstances may not always be possible.
Download the Air Force Family Child Care Form (AF FCC ECC).
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Air Force Home Community Care (HCC) Program?
The HCC program is one of several Air Force Expanded Child Care (ECC) programs through Family Child Care (FCC).
It provides in-home child care services to Air National Guard (ANG) and Air Force Reserve (AFR) members during their scheduled UTA (drill) weekends.
Care may also be provided during Rescheduled Unit Training Assembly (RUTA).Split Unit Training Assembly (SUTA). The care is provided during drill hours only.
A typical workday may begin as early as 6:00 am and generally ends by 6:00 pm.
What is the purpose of the HCC program?
The purpose of the program is to provide ANG/AFR members access to quality child care services that are similar to those that are available to military assigned to or living on a military installation.The HCC program also helps to reduce out of pocket expenses for ANG/ AFR service members by providing care at no cost.
Who is eligible to become a HCC provider?
A state regulated FCC provider who has operated for at least 3 months and who meets the HCC Provider Requirements listed below is eligible to apply:
The Provider is a licensed FCC provider who is in good standing with the State regulatory agency and has no history of documented complaints or a suspended or revoked certificate.
The Provider has no arrests or convictions for crimes related to children. drugs or alcohol.
The Provider submits a completed Provider Application Form and required attachments.
A copy of the State regulatory registration or certification
A copy of the State required background check reports for self and persons 16 years of age and older living in home.
Background check must have no negative findings and must come directly from the agency thatconducts the checks.
*NOTE: If state law prohibits the initiation of background checks on family members under the age of I6 living in the home, the provider must provide documentation to that effect.
A copy of the cover letter of a valid $300.000 personal liability insurance policy.
A copy of current CPR and First Aid certification.
The provider agrees to maintain AF required child ratios – no more than six children under the age of 12 in care at one time.
The ratio requirement includes the provider’s own children under the age of 8 years.
No more than two children under the age of 24 months may be present for care at one time.
If the state ratio standards are more stringent. the provider must adhere to state requirements.
The provider agrees to follow Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) guidelines sponsored by the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture.
The provider agrees to a preliminary home visit prior to selection and to one visit each year.
The provider completed 12 hours of training every 6 months
How do I apply to become a provider?
FCC providers who are interested in becoming a HCC provider should complete the Provider Application form.
Providers should send the completed forms and attachments to:
Brandi Mullins
550 Allentown Rd. Bldg. 763
Robins Air Force Base. GA 3I098
How are HCC providers selected?
AF staff will review and screen applications and a select number of homes will be visited.
What are the benefits to becoming a HCC provider?
You are recognized as an established FCC provider with experience in providing high quality child care.
You will serve military families whose children benefit from the safe. healthy environment that you provide.
If I am selected as a HCC provider, what will I do in case of illness or other emergency?
Providers will require ANG/AFR parents to have back-up child care arrangements in the event of provider or other family member illness, emergencies or unpaid vacation leave.Parents will be required to pay for their own back-up care.
How long is the contract period?
The provider contracts are for a 1-year time period. Subsequent 1-year contracts will be awarded at the mutual agreement of the provider and USAF.
The initial contract period may be for less than 1 -year.
What is the payment rate of providing child are and when are providers paid?
USAF will contract with the provider at the rate of $6.00/hour/child.
The provider is paid once a month by direct deposit within 15 days after the end of the month.